Hell Nido: Our Nightmare Boat Incident in the Philippines
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Hell Nido: Our Nightmare Boat Incident in the Philippines

Background I will always share honest opinions of travel. That includes the 99% of positives on the road, as well as the 1% of negatives. This story was originally shared in my post on visiting the Philippines. However, I have a separate section of my blog detailing the things which go wrong. And that is…

Surviving a Mugging Attempt in Quito
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Surviving a Mugging Attempt in Quito

The Rose-Tinted Spectacles of Travel Instagram curates a perfectionist image of travel. A mugging or violent crime won’t be shared on there. Wonderful sunsets, amazing cocktails, awesome adventures. Smiles all round, and not a single downside to be seen. Whilst that’s true almost all of the time, it hides the less flattering aspects of life…